I had this blog for awhile and never used it. I'm busting it back out! I'm doing my own version of project 365. Except I'm starting the day after graduation to document this new season of my life in pictures. Due to moving out and traveling and such, I haven't been able to post my pictures for the last three days.
May 8, 2010:

My roommate and I of two years standing in our empty room. There were a lot of amazing memories made here, late night talks, arguments(not always fun, but we grew from it), encouragement, our own concerts, a lot of tears and A LOT laughing, some of the tears were caused by laughing. I can't believe this season is coming to an end. I don't think I'll know what to do when I have to sleep in my own room. She will have to come visit me A LOT! :) Right Rach? Her name is Rachel too. We are also known as the Rach(a)els :)
Notice our cowboy boots... (I rubbed off on her ;)
1 comment:
yes yes you did rub off on me =)
And I love you so much and I'm so thankful that we spent these last two years together! You are an amazing roommate and I am going to miss you terribly.. Like I always say it was totally the Lord and Ashley Clay that we are roommates and I thank God for it! Love you Rach!!!!
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