Monday, September 20, 2010


I recently stumbled upon this beautiful post. (twirl)
First of all, I love when I find Christian bloggers, especially those that post beautiful tutorials as well as beautiful  things the Lord is doing in their lives.
You must go read this post, it is absolutely beautiful(I know I've used that word a lot this post. Lol.)  Maybe I just really needed to hear it tonight, but it's really good.
When I was finished reading and had wiped the few tears away that had escaped, I suddenly felt inspired to pray for my future children.  I've always focused on praying for my future husband and even have a journal dedicated to him. But I hadn't ever thought to pray for my children (how terrible).  I ran back to my room to get my "Someday book"  It's a book that I made to paste pictures of wedding ideas and ideas that I'd like for my  home someday. :)

So, I decided to make a page for my future children and the things that I want for them.  I wrote the verse that this woman uses, Zeph 3:17.  I'm going to print out the post and paste it in the book next to what I already have written. 
As I was looking through other things in my book, I had this revelation:  I spend all this time planning out my future, from big ideas to the tiniest details.  The Lord knows my heart and my desires and while I have all of these plans for what I want my house to be like or what flowers I want at my wedding, He knows what I need and has my whole little world in His hands. :)  I left the front page open when I started the book and I think I'm going to write a prayer dedicating the book, my hopes and dreams,and all of my somedays to the Lord. He's the one that's holding them all anyways :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Aww, what a great idea! I had a similar revelation the other day about my future. I've been way too consumed with worrying about my future lately, and I finally just had to remind myself that God has it in His hands, and it's not something that I can control.

Ever since I realized that, I also realized that I have been living my life only thinking about and planning about (okay, mostly WORRYING about) my future. So much so, that I wasn't enjoying life everyday. So I have made a vow to just let go and let God take care of everything, and to live in the here and now, and let tomorrow worry about itself! And since I made that vow, everything has changed in my life, just because of the way I'm looking at it!

Sorry to write such a novel in your comments! Haha..but it sounds like God is doing similar things in our lives, even though we're at different stages. I hope everything is going great for you!

P.S. All this planning about your wedding and future home are such a great idea. Some man is going to be so lucky to find you! You are going to be a domestic goddess when you find each other, and he's going to LOVE that about you!! ;-)

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